
September Lighting Workshop

Our crew continues to grow and change like the seasons every few months and I just wanted to give a big shout out of thanks to Rachel Kyle and Nathan Sherrer—our two set dressing apprentices last semester who worked on this project for college credit as they learned how to brainstorm, source, and arrange set dressing to bring the character's worlds to life. The two of them saw us through a big growth spurt in our staff and the solidifying of my process for how we make these pictures and I am hugely grateful to both of them for all of their help. Here's a quick snap of the two of them learning a little bit about lighting as part of their educational experience with us. Best of luck you two!


Lighting a Backyard Party

Lighting this backyard party night scene was fun. One big broad light, another for some extra pop, a campfire, and a really slow shutter speed. Those are strobe lights, but we used them all backwards because balancing the campfire to the artificial lighting meant exposing with the 250 watt tungsten bulb instead of the strobe itself. All that and then the actors just have to hold really still while looking natural.
